Subnet creation changelog:

TODO: immediate post-launch steps

  • Spread the word about SN29 renaming to actors not using on-chain identity data
    • (Suggest to those actors to use on-chain identity data…)
  • Implement competitions to allow training for specific goals
  • Clean up mining codebase and publish on GitHub
  • Analyze possibilities and implement on-chain announcement of validator startup with version information
  • Finalize testing with arbitrary tokenizer (immediately saves up to 800m of 6.9b parameters on reference model)
  • Launch first additional competition (weight fraction 0.1) with arbitrary tokenizer
  • Collect results and feedback on subnet and competition performance

2024 Q3

  • Consult with community and create a list of competitions, scheduled well in advance
  • Research model merging tactics to unlock distributed training potential of subnet
  • Draft shortlist of finetuning targets for niche models
  • Launch first additional competition for niche model
  • Publish, a commandline tool to modify models

2024 Q4

  • Strive to have 5 niche models in training
  • Provide boilerplate code for web applications, host apps showcasing top models
  • Research external benchmarks to assess subnet efficacy

2025 and beyond

  • Pretrain-as-a-Service: commercial opportunities
  • Finetune-as-a-Service: commercial opportunities